Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bedtime Story

 Lee got this shot last night as I laid in William's bed with him reading his goodnight story.  I really love this picture.  William is one for routine and always has been, and he will not stay in his room unless he has been read to.  Right now his routine is first, family prayer, give Daddy loves, grab a toy, (usually a truck) and it's off to bed to read a story with Mom. 

William has been having the best week of his life behavior wise.  He has been so good, super sweet to Millie and is making me laugh all day.  Millie has also had the best week as well.  I said to Lee the other night, "I don't want to put the kids to bed for fear they'll wake up as terrors tomorrow."  But when morning came, they were bright eyed and smiling!  I love it and I just want to bottle them up.

I love being able to end the night like this with William, just him and I.  He loves books, and after we read, I give him a kiss and say "Have a good sleep, I love you."  Recently he has been saying "I love you" back, which is really sweet. 

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