Thursday, September 20, 2012

Huntsman Family Reunion

This past Saturday we packed up the family in the car and headed up to St. George for the Huntsman Family Reunion.  Took us 2 hours to get there since we had to take a potty break and then a joint potty and bottle break.  It was held at this awesome farm called Stahali Farm:  William experience love at first sight!  With every turn, there was something new and "WOW" worthy for him to explore.  There was the GIANT bouncing pillow (that a few of us peeped our pants on), the ship maze, the petting zoo, the duck water races, the horses and cows, the playhouse, lots of tractors, and swings!  Speaking of swings -Parker was minding his own business swinging away when William walked right in front of him..... PLOW!!  Face plant to the floor!  Lee said it was rough to watch, but there was nothing he could do to stop it, it happened so fast.  It has been his ouchie the past few days, but it has almost completely healed by now.
It was a hot day with tons for the kids to do, that by lunch, a lot of them had tuckered out.  William joined them mid lunch.  Of course I had to get pictures before I laid him down somewhere.  :)
We are all really hoping the Reunion will be here again next year.  It was so much fun!!!

1 comment:

Mr&MrsOtero said...

ouch! poor William, looks like that dirt got him good. Hope his ouchie is almost gone!