Friday, September 7, 2012

My 3 month old Beauty

  • Just had a growth spurt.
  • Eats 4 oz. every 3 hours.
  • 12 lbs.
  • Finally in 3 month clothes.
  • Lots of bubble smiles.  Thank you reflux.
  • Hates tummy time.
  • Giggles and smiles at the funny faces and noises we make at her.
  • Likes to watch her brother.
  • During her growth spurt she was waking up every 3 hours to eat.  It just about did me in.  Now she goes to bed at 8pm and wakes around 5:30am to eat.
  • Has found her hands and loves to suck on them.
  • Has cradle cap, or as I like to call it, cradle crap!

1 comment:

The Junior Maxwells said...

Baby oil! Didn't make any sense to me since it just made it more greasy but it worked like a charm on Riley. Rub the area with a dry washcloth, let the baby oil sit for awhile, then wash her hair with Head & Shoulders medicated shampoo. It'll be gone in a week or so. We've still got a whole bottle of the shampoo if you want some. ...... Because you totally wanted my 2 cents, right?! =P